This is probably not what you think it is…
This is about my book, ONLY A GAME, published on this site in serialized form. OAG is written in short verses (chapters) to enhance the serialization. Each verse is self-contained — a story on its own. Each can be appreciated without the full context of reading all the previous verses. That essentially makes it a book of short stories, except for the consistency of characters, theme and plot line: a local club’s quest for a championship. Those properties tie it together as a novel rather than a collection of vignettes.
Accomplishing this involves a bit of redundancy. Some themes, character traits, etc. are repeated in the various verses. My thinking is that this will work as reinforcement overall, rather than be too annoying.
I see this as the model of the book in the Net Age: short bits that can be absorbed quickly AND independently, or in aggregate over time. Think of the verses as bricks being laid down as part of a building. They are not a linear progression to the end result, but an architected whole that presents the entire edifice of the book.
If you read a verse, and it piques your interest, you can go back and read the previous verses. As part of the serialization, I have saved all the old verses on this blog site.
I publish the new verses on Thursdays. Check back next Thursday or Friday (depending on your timezone) for the next one.